Monday, December 15, 2014

Genius Hour - Where Passions Come Alive

Genius hour was the lab I was most excited for in my AEE 412 class. We were told to "geek out" on some educational aspect and come to class to present. It was so much fun to just have time to explore different types of research about teaching and learning. I immediately went to TED Talks. I love the educational TED Talks, I get very inspired. Immediately after watching Angela Duckworth speak about Grit I knew that's what I wanted to show my peers at our genius hour.

To rewind a little I should explain genius hour. This idea was developed and is implemented at Google. Google gives it's employees part of the paid work week (essential an hour) to work on any personal project they want to explore for the company. This is how Gmail the web master for google was brought to life. The employees are given this time to explore anything they want or fiddle with programs to enhance them. It give the employees freedoms which in turn makes some great ideas and motivated them.

Back to grit- Grit came about after looking at keys to success for students in school. There has always been a large portion of student success determined by socio economic status or SES. However, Ms. Duckworth has researched and found that grit can overrule SES. Grit is a students ability to persistently work towards long term goals. It's a students ability to persevere through life's challenges in order to achieve their goal. It shows determination, passion and persistency will help students achieve. So we've recognized what helps students achieve, now how do we foster a grit mindset in our students? BAM... that's the big question. I plan on keeping grit in mind and making a poster in the future to hang in my room as a reminder to my students to be resilient when times get tough.

It was awesome to "geek out" for the glass with all my peers. They had some amazing ideas and it's so much fun to hear and reflect on them all! Thanks for reading!!

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