Monday, September 1, 2014

Week #1 in AEE 412

This is the beginning to it all and we're at the bottom of the mountain. Full of dreams, aspiration and inspiration, ready to begin that steep trek to the top. The realization of how crazy and exciting this semester hit me Monday morning in AEE 412. The semester began with an blank page and crayons. As I recall, Dr. Foster said "nothing is more liberating than crayons and a blank page." We continued the lesson by talking about what makes a great Ag teacher. What qualities do these educators need to be successful? Clarity. Clarity is so important when you are a teacher. You have to be clear in what you teach and what you expect. This is why we constantly ask questions, explain directions thoroughly and use "go" words.

Our readings for the week focused on mindsets. Having an open mindset, using your brain as a muscle and keeping a growth mindset are all characteristics for continuous learning. Having a fixed mindset or doing things the same way just because that's the way it has always been done will inhibit you as a person and as a learner. People don't just don't develop as smart and dumb. We have strengths in certain areas and weaknesses in other. This effects how we learn and how we process things. So learn what works best for you and use that to teach yourself new skills.

This week was filled with a very overwhelming feeling. I find it hard to distinguish the classes right now but I can see them becoming clearer. The weeks to come hold a lot of work but I look forward to it all. I realize it will all make me better as an Ag teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah,
    Thank you for completing. Two things
    1) Remember the weekly writings are supposed to be on the readings from the upcoming week, so you should have read some in your Methods text by Newcomb et al.
    2) You might want to revisit your blog address to something more encompassing beyond "SAEvisit"
